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Home Green water in your pool? Check out our GUIDE!
Green water in your pool? Check out our GUIDE!

Curious about what to do when your pool water turns green and why this occurs?

Green water in a pool is usually caused by excessive algae growth, which happens due to insufficient chlorine or improper water pH levels. Algae are microscopic aquatic plants that flourish in warm, chemically unbalanced water. While algae primarily affect the pool’s appearance, they can also pose health risks to swimmers. Green water can harbor algae, bacteria, microorganisms, and various pathogens. If you notice a change in your pool’s water color or it starts turning green, it’s a sign that immediate action is needed.

What should you do if the water in your pool is turning green?

If you notice clusters of algae starting to form or if the water is already fully green, it’s crucial to act quickly to prevent further algae growth. Follow these steps to restore your pool’s clarity:

  1. Check and adjust the pH of the pool water:

    • Measure the pH level:Use a pool testing kit to check the current pH level.
    • Adjust pH:The ideal pH range for pool water is between 7.2 and 7.6. If the pH is outside this range, use pH-raising or pH-lowering chemicals to bring it to the correct level.

  2. Clean the Pool:

    • Brush the pool:Use a pool brush to scrub the walls and bottom of the pool to remove algae deposits.
    • Vacuum the pool:Use a pool vacuum to clean the bottom of the pool.

  3. Check the chlorine level and shock the pool:

    • Measure Chlorine Levels:Test the chlorine level in the water using a pool tester.
    • Add Chlorine:If the chlorine level is low, add the appropriate amount of chlorine to reach the correct level. You can use chlorine tablets, granules, or liquid. Perform shock chlorination to quickly raise the chlorine level and eliminate the green tint. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for chemical usage.
    • Run the filtration system:If the water quality is poor and algae contamination is severe, run the filtration system continuously for at least 48 to 72 hours. During this time, flush the filter and remove debris. Regular pool maintenance is also crucial to prevent future algae growth.

  4. Use an Algaecide:

    • Add Algaecide:Once the water quality stabilizes, add an algaecide to the pool. Follow the instructions on the algaecide packaging to ensure effective treatment.

By following these steps, you can restore your pool’s water clarity and prevent algae from returning.

Can Green Pool Water Be Prevented?

Yes, green pool water can be prevented with proper maintenance. Here’s how:

  • Regularly Check and Maintain Water Chemistry:Consistently monitor and adjust the chlorine and pH levels of the water to keep them within the ideal ranges. This helps prevent algae growth and maintains overall water quality.
  • Clean Filters Regularly:Ensure your pool filters are cleaned on a regular basis to keep them functioning effectively. Dirty filters can reduce their ability to remove debris and contaminants, contributing to algae growth.
  • Ensure Adequate Water Circulation:Proper water circulation is crucial to prevent stagnation, which creates favorable conditions for algae to thrive. Use your pool pump and circulation system effectively to keep the water moving and evenly distributed.

By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of green water and maintain a clean, healthy pool.

How to get rid of green pool water? What ph to use to get rid of green pool water?

Green pool water problems are one of the more common swimming pool water problems, so preventing green pool water is the best way to keep your water crystal clear. To get rid of green pool water, it is best to disinfect the pool water with pool shock chlorination. It is best to carry out green pool water cleaning in the evening. UV radiation from the sun breaks down the chlorine, reducing its effectiveness. Make sure the filter pump is switched on and will run throughout the night to ensure adequate water circulation. Read carefully the instructions on the packaging of the product with which you will carry out chlorine shocking.

  • IMPORTANT!!! If you are using granules to remove algae outbreaks in your pool, dissolve them first in a bucket of warm water. Adding granules directly to the pool can cause them to settle to the bottom, which can lead to discolouration or damage to the pool surface.
  • The liquid scrubbing agent can be poured directly into the pool.
  • Pour the dissolved product into the pool, slowly walking around the edge of the pool to evenly distribute it throughout the pool.
  • Make sure the filtration works continuously for at least 24h-72h hours after adding the product. Re-test the pH and pool chlorine levels in the water after 24 hours. The free chlorine level should be 0.30 mg/1l.

Additional notes:

Safety: Always wear protective gloves and goggles when working with pool chemicals.

Cleaning the filter: Check and clean the pool filter regularly.

Repeated shocking: If the water is still green after the first shocking, the process may need to be repeated.

The recommended pool chlorine concentration level is 0.3 to 0.6 mg/l. The chlorine level at which no water problems occur is between 0.3 and 1.0 mg/l.

reccommended chlorine level

Green Pool Water After Rain? How to Clean It

Green pool water after rain is often caused by chemical compounds in the rain, particularly phosphates, which act as a nutrient source for algae.

Green Pool Water After Adding Pool Chlorine?

Excessive chlorine can lead to green pool water. Overdosing chlorine produces chloramines, which impart a green tint to the water. Chloramines are created when chlorine fails to fully oxidize certain organic compounds in the water, leaving them unneutralized. These byproducts can irritate the skin, cause red eyes, and result in a burning sensation in the nose or throat.

Home Remedies for Green Water:

A natural remedy to help clear green water and reduce chemical use is citric acid. Citric acid can lower the pH of the pool water, which aids in controlling algae and restoring water clarity.

Green pool water impacts both the appearance and safety of the pool. To prevent such issues, regularly monitor and maintain pool water quality. Consistent chlorine use, along with testing and adjusting chlorine and pH levels, will help prevent algae growth and ensure safe swimming conditions.


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