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Home How to Maintain the Proper pH Level in Your Garden Pool
How to Maintain the Proper pH Level in Your Garden Pool

Maintaining the correct pH level in a garden pool is crucial for ensuring clean and comfortable swimming conditions. Proper pH levels affect the effectiveness of disinfectants and help prevent unpleasant odors and skin irritations. The ideal pH range for pool water is between 7.2 and 7.6.

To keep the pH level in check, follow these steps:

  1. Regular monitoring: Use a pool water tester to check the pH level regularly.
  2. Adjust pH levels: If the pH is too high or too low, adjust it using appropriate chemicals such as pH decreasers or pH increasers.
  3. Maintain chlorine levels: Proper chlorine levels help stabilize the pH of the water.
  4. Regular cleaning: Use disinfectants to keep the water clean, which also helps maintain the correct pH level.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively maintain the pH level in your pool, enhancing both comfort and safety.

Understanding and measuring pool water pH

The pH level of pool water is a key factor influencing water quality and swimming comfort. Knowing how to measure and adjust the pH is essential. Here’s a guide on how to check and maintain the optimal pH level.

You can measure pool water pH using various tools, including chemical testers, electronic testers, or test strips. Here’s an overview of each method:

  • Chemical testers: Add special reagents to a water sample. The color change indicates the pH level. Compare the color to a reference to determine the pH.
  • Electronic testers: These devices measure pH using an electrode submerged in the water sample. The result is displayed on the device’s screen.
  • Test strips: Dip these paper strips into the pool water. The strip changes color, which you can compare to a chart on the packaging to read the pH level.

Regularly checking the pH level allows you to make prompt adjustments if needed. The ideal pH range for pool water is 7.2 to 7.6.

Adjusting pH Levels:

  • Raising pH: If the pH is too low, add a pH increaser, available at pool supply stores.
  • Lowering pH: If the pH is too high, use a pH decreaser, also available at pool supply stores.

Regular checks and adjustments ensure water cleanliness, the effectiveness of disinfectants, and help prevent unpleasant odors and skin irritation.


Regulating the pH level of pool water is essential for ensuring high water quality and a pleasant swimming experience. Proper pH balance affects the effectiveness of disinfectants, prevents unpleasant odors, and reduces skin irritation. Understanding why pH regulation is important and how to maintain the ideal pH level in a garden pool is key.

Maintaining Proper pH Levels in Pool Water

A garden pool with a proper pH level (7.2-7.6) offers several benefits:

  • Effective Disinfection: Optimal pH ensures that disinfectants like chlorine work efficiently to neutralize bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Prevention of Unpleasant Odors: Maintaining the right pH level reduces the risk of unpleasant smells, which can result from bacterial or algal growth.
  • No Skin or Eye Irritations: Proper pH levels provide a comfortable swimming experience, avoiding irritation to the skin and eyes.

Water Stability: Correct pH helps prevent water discoloration and scaling on pool surfaces.

To maintain the appropriate pH level in your pool, follow these guidelines:

  1. Regular Testing: Check the pH level at least once a week to quickly address any deviations from the norm.
  2. Use the Right Chemicals: If the pH is too low, add pH increasers; if too high, use pH decreasers.
  3. Monitor Other Water Parameters: Keep an eye on chlorine levels and water alkalinity, as these affect pH stability.
  4. Regular Cleaning: Use filters and pool vacuums to keep the water clean, which also helps maintain stable pH levels.

In summary, proper pH regulation is crucial for maintaining water quality and ensuring a comfortable swimming experience. Regular pH testing and the use of appropriate chemicals will help you keep your garden pool at the ideal pH level.


The pH of pool water measures its acidity or alkalinity, which affects swimming comfort and the effectiveness of disinfectants. It is important to know how to raise the pH when it is too low and what to do if the pH is either too high or too low.

Raising pH Levels:

To increase the pH of pool water, use products containing sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. Follow these steps:

  1. Add the Chemical: Add the recommended amount of pH increaser to the pool water.
  2. Mix Thoroughly: Ensure the chemical is evenly distributed by mixing it well. Adding it near the return jets can help achieve uniform distribution.
  3. Wait and Test: Allow the chemical to circulate for about 2 hours, then retest the pH level to confirm it has reached the desired range.

Lowering pH Levels:

For high pH levels, use chemicals like sulfuric acid or muriatic acid:

  1. Add the Chemical: Carefully add the pH decreaser to the pool water.
  2. Mix Thoroughly: Ensure even distribution by adding the chemical in a well-circulated area of the pool.
  3. Wait and Test: Wait approximately 2 hours after adding the chemical, then retest the pH level.

Using pH Minus and pH Plus Products:

pH Minus and pH Plus are products designed to help adjust the pH level of pool water. To use these products correctly, follow these instructions:

  1. Test the Water: Measure the current pH level using a pH tester.
  2. Add the Correct Product:
    • For low pH: Use pH Plus to raise the pH.
    • For high pH: Use pH Minus to lower the pH.
  3. Add and Mix: Add the product to a well-circulated part of the pool, such as near the return jets.
  4. Wait and Recheck: After adding the product, wait about 2 hours and then recheck the pH level.

By using pH Minus and pH Plus as directed, you can maintain the appropriate pH level in your pool, which contributes to a comfortable swimming experience and effective disinfection.


To measure the pH of pool water, you can use various types of pool testers, such as pH testers, manual testers, or electronic testers. Here’s how to conduct the test correctly, following the manufacturer’s instructions:

  1. Collect a water sample:Take a sample of pool water from a depth of about 30-40 cm (12-16 inches).
  2. Using a pH test kit:
    • Add the recommended number of drops of indicator solution to the water sample.
    • Compare the resulting color with the color chart provided with the test kit.
  3. Using a manual pH tester:
    • Place the water sample in the tester’s chamber.
    • Read the pH value from the scale on the tester.
  4. Using an electronic pH tester:
    • Immerse the electrode into the water sample.
    • Read the pH value displayed on the tester’s screen.

Regularly testing the pH of pool water allows you to quickly address any deviations from the ideal range and maintain proper pH levels.

Need assistance with testing or adjusting pool pH?

If you have questions about accurately testing the pH of your pool or how to lower the pH level effectively, remember that our service department is here to help. Contact us, and our advisors will assist you with any queries or concerns.

Pool water treatment: choosing the right disinfectants to maintain optimal pH levels

To effectively purify pool water and maintain the correct pH balance, selecting the appropriate disinfectants is crucial. Here are some popular options:

  • Chlorine: A widely used disinfectant that effectively targets bacteria, fungi, and viruses. However, chlorine can cause skin and eye irritation, so it’s important to regularly monitor and adjust chlorine levels in the pool.
  • Bromine: An alternative to chlorine that is generally less irritating to the skin and eyes. While bromine offers similar disinfection benefits, its effectiveness may diminish in high pH conditions.
  • Oxygen-Based Products: These are milder on the skin and eyes while still combating bacteria and other contaminants effectively. Keep in mind that oxygen-based disinfectants may be less effective in heavily polluted pools.

Selecting the right disinfectants for your pool will help you maintain the correct pH levels, ensuring both swimming comfort and effective water purification.


The role of pool chemistry involves adding specific treatments to pool water that influence its acidity and the effectiveness of disinfectants. Chemical products, such as pH Minus, pH Plus, and disinfectants, alter the water’s acid-base balance, impacting both swimming comfort and the efficiency of water treatment.

When selecting the appropriate chemical treatments for your pool, it’s important to consider their composition and how they work to maintain the optimal water acidity and ensure effective pool water management.


The level of chlorine in pool water is closely related to its pH. To maintain the ideal pH and chlorine levels, follow these guidelines:

  1. Regular testing: Frequently check both pH and chlorine levels using pool water testers to ensure they are within the recommended ranges.
  2. Use appropriate chemicals: Apply suitable products to adjust pH and maintain chlorine levels, such as pH Minus, pH Plus, and chlorine-based disinfectants.
  3. Monitor other water parameters: Keep an eye on additional factors like alkalinity and hardness, as they influence pH stability and the effectiveness of chlorine.
  4. Regular cleaning: Keep the pool water clean by using filters and pool vacuums, which helps maintain stable pH and chlorine levels.

By following these practices, you can effectively manage the pH and chlorine levels in your pool water, ensuring a comfortable swimming experience and optimal disinfection.


  1. Automatic chemical dosage station:This device monitors and automatically dispenses disinfectants into the pool. With precise water parameter measurements through sensors, it ensures optimal cleanliness and hygiene, minimizing the risk of over- or under-dosing chemicals.
  2. Salt ionizer:A modern device that uses the natural properties of salt for pool water disinfection. It works through the electrolysis of dissolved salt, producing chlorine that effectively eliminates bacteria and contaminants. The salt ionizer not only keeps the pool water clean and safe but also gentler on skin and eyes. It reduces the need for traditional chemical treatments while maintaining high water quality.
  3. UV lamp: This device uses ultraviolet (UV) radiation to disinfect pool water by eliminating bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. It works by exposing the flowing water to UV-C rays, which destroy the DNA structures of pathogens, preventing their reproduction. For best results, use the UV lamp as an additional water treatment tool.


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